In The Future World We Seek To Secure, We Uphold Three Essential Human Rights

Jesse Tayler
3 min readSep 15, 2021


1. The Right to Privacy

Assert legitimacy without requirement to reveal or transfer private information

2. The Right to Self Identify

Genuine identity free from ID cards, review or approval from authority

3. The Right to Self-Ownership

Respectful separation of identity from profiles and accounts ensuring owner control

This is not some vision of a distant future, this is an online world attainable in our own time. Today is the dawn of the Trusted Network.

The way to fight fraudsters is by offering the weapon of truth. We know — Trust is the center, the standard must be our own selves.

Consider a “badge-of-trust” like what Twitter affords famous people; could this legitimacy be equally available to anybody who wants it?

You are who you create

The good news is we already have what we need to be who we already are.

Whenever we sense our own profile does not reflect how others should see? We adjust. This is natural. It has always been this way, but TruAnon adds something extra.

You are genuine and your digital identity already exists. When you pay a parking ticket online or Tweet a funny quote, you leave a wake of your own living digital footprints. Your digital self is the continuous and evolving creations you make online.

You stake claim by confirming ownership

Think of ownership like a privacy dimmer switch. One can confirm links and profiles together so identity is visibly trusted even if you are new.

Members confirm their own badge. This respectfully separates the identity portion of a profile, leaving the owner in control — and leaving the service you use free from liability

As people confirm and connect more links and profiles together they boost confidence. They easily see who they are communicating with and feel confidence because they share the same things about themselves.

This public identity profile is obviously David. It’s a showcase of stuff he uses to show off all the time. Note the checkmark near David’s Twitter handle indicating his Twitter has been verified. This is because he is famous.

In practice, identity profiles are plainly genuine. A continuous, living showcase of things used to show off online.

Even at a glance, we know that proof is interchangeable, I might not have knowledge of your choices but I know they are equivalent to my own. People trust other badge wearing members because the option is equally available to everyone, avoiding confirmation is just as clear as having it.

The badge is “wired up” reporting in a continuous circuit. People like boosting this report because they can do more. This motivation is built-in. A badge-of-trust is useful because this service you employ it on is useful.

In this way, online services offer a trusted ecosystem, a privacy conscious alternative. A badge that is universally understood and equally available to all who want it.

Trust lets people do more, more safely.

Communities thrive and grow when members control how they share and view one another’s online identities. Visit and strengthen your business.

